5 Contoh application letter singkat yang benar

Rizki Sugiono

Contoh application letter - kanalmu

Kanalmu.com – Contoh application letter singkat dan benar tentu akan membantu kamu dalam membuat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris yang tepat sehingga para HRD akan mempertimbangkannya.

Application letter atau surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu dokumen penting bagi mereka yang ingin melamar suatu pekerjaan yang salah satu syaratnya adalah menggunakan bahasa inggris/

Namun demikian menggunakan surat lamaran dalam bahasa inggris dalam berbagai lamaran pekerjaan baik di PT, Bank, Pabrik, BUMN menjadi nilai plus tersendiri, terlebih dari susunan grammarly nya baik dan benar.

Application letter

Dalam membuat surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris ada beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan, dengan demikian application letter kamu dapat dipertimbangkan oleh para pencari kerja.

Adapun berikut ini adalah dua point penting dalam mambuat surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris untuk berbagai macam posisi lowongan pekerjan terbaru yang kamu dapatkan.

1. Surat lamaran kerja singkat, padat dan jelas

Dalam membuat lamaran kerja pastikan kamu tidak menggunakan bahasa yang berlebihan baik inggris maupun indonesia, carilah kalimat padat, jelas mengambarkan semuanya serta memiliki kalimat sopan.

Pastikan dalam menulis surat atau aplication leller beberapa point penting berikut ini sudah masuk didalamnya.

  • nama lengkap,
  • usia,
  • posisi pekerjaan yang hendak dilamar,
  • keterampilan, dan
  • pengalaman bekerja.

2. Perhatikan grammar

Dalam membuat surat lamaran bahasa inggris pastikan kamu memperhatikan grammar yang digukanan, karena tata bahasa inggris dan indonesia sangatlah berbeda.

Namun demikian jika kamu tidak memiliki grammar yang cukup bagus dalam menggunakan bahasa inggris bisa menggunakan tools gratis yang ada di internet sebagai berikut ini.

  • Grammarly
  • Becorrect
  • Grammar Check
  • Scribens
  • Reverso
  • Language Tool
  • Grammarix
  • ProWritingAid
  • White Smoke
  • Ginger Online
  • SpellCheckPlus Pro
  • Slick Write
  • Online Correction

Contoh application letter singkat yang benar

Namun demikian untuk kamu yang masih belum memiliki pengalaman dalam menulis surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar, beberapa contoh aplication letter ini bisa kamu gunakan.

Contoh application letter - kanalmu
Contoh application letter – kanalmu

1. Contoh Application Letter Bagian Programmer

Baca Juga :  File Surat Lamaran Kerja Word 2022 Format Lengkap Yang Menarik HRD

04th March 2022

Jason Hasudungan
Gojek Company
87 New street Jakarta

Dear Mr. Jason,

I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in your company.

As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume, and three references.

The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include, I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications and then I strive for continued excellence, and the last I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers.

I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed. Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

I can be reached anytime via email at [email protected] or my cell phone, 080 8765 0770.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

Signature (for hard copy letter)
Yudi Chandra

2. Contoh Application Letter Bagian Keuangan

August 21, 2020

Head of HRD
PT Hotel Luxury & Resort

With respect,

Based on the information I received from PT Hotel Luxury & Resort has a job opening as Finance Analyst . In connection with that, I would like to apply for said position.

Here is my brief biography:

Name: Nadia Nasution
Gender: Male
Date of birth: Malang, 06 May 1991
Education: S1 economy
Phone number: 0987654345
Email: [email protected]

I can speak English both orally and verbally. I also have the skill to operate software for the office that I believe would assist in the work.

Baca Juga :  Download Surat Lamaran Kerja Word 2022 Siap Edit Lengkap

For your consideration, I have also attached multiples such as:

Curriculum vitae
Copy of transcript
Photocopy of diploma
Lates 3×4 photography
Id government copy

I hope I can get the chance to follow the next test so I can talk about my abilities and skills in person with you. Thank you for your attention.

Signature (for hard copy letter)
Azzikra Queensha Abd

3. Contoh Application Letter untuk Hotel

Jakarta, July 6, 2020
Mr. Johan
Head of human resource division
Hotel Benoa Bali
Jl. Sudirman no.564

Dear Mr. Johan,

Based on the advertising on Koran, posted on June 28, 2022 about the job as a receptionist in your hotel, I would like to volunteer to fill the position.

I have completed my undergraduate program in the field of telecommunication and tourism at Indonesia University and I believe I have the perfect skills required for the job.

I am 25 years old and had working as a receptionist for 3 years at Indah hotel. I can speak 3 foreign languages including English and Chinese. In addition, I am well adapted to operating any kind of gadget in a hotel.

For your consideration, I have attached a curriculum vitae. I am looking forward to the interview so i can explain my skills and abilities in person to you.

Best regards,
Nadia Nasution

4. Contoh application letter nurse

Jakarta, July 6, 2020
Head of human resource division
Siloam Hospital
Jl. Sudirman no.564

With respect,

Based on the advertising on Koran, posted on June 28, 2022 about the job as a nurse in your hospital, I would like to volunteer to fill the position.

Baca Juga :  [ Download ] 12 Contoh daftar riwayat hidup cv format word, doc , pdf lengkap

I have completed my undergraduate program in the field of Nurse Academy at STIKES Surabaya and I believe I have the perfect skills required for the job.

I am 25 years old and had working as a receptionist for 3 years at Plus Hospital. I can speak 3 foreign languages including English and Chinese. In addition, I am well adapted to operating any kind of gadget in a hospital.

For your consideration, I have attached a curriculum vitae. I am looking forward to the interview so i can explain my skills and abilities in person to you.

Best regards,
Nadia Nasution

5. Contoh application letter beserta job vacancy

Jakarta, July 6, 2020
Head of human resource division
Siloam Hospital
Jl. Sudirman no.564

With respect,

Based on the advertising on Koran, posted on June 28, 2022 about the job as a nurse in your hospital, I would like to volunteer to fill the position.

I have completed my undergraduate program in the field of Nurse Academy at STIKES Surabaya and I believe I have the perfect skills required for the job.

I am 25 years old and had working as a receptionist for 3 years at Plus Hospital. I can speak 3 foreign languages including English and Chinese. In addition, I am well adapted to operating any kind of gadget in a hospital.

For your consideration, I have attached a curriculum vitae. I am looking forward to the interview so i can explain my skills and abilities in person to you.

Best regards,
Nadia Nasution

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